Online education can help us learn and grow at our own pace in our own space and that is valuable.

"Every artist was first an amateur."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quality education is priceless. It is one thing to be able to master a craft or skill but it is another thing to be able to teach it in a way others can learn effectively. Countless hours have been spent designing this cirriculum and the products that come with the courses so that you can become not just a technician, but an artist.

Hi, I’m Bylle!

I am a professional lash and permanent make-up artist in Los Angeles with twelve years of experience. My studio, STAY Cosmetics, is in Beverly Hills and was voted BEST OF Los Angeles by LA Magazine. Clients there have included actors, pop stars, producers, directors and government officials. I also have more than fifteen years writing educational curriculum in the health and beauty industry and would love to share my secrets with you. Join me for a course and let's do something your future self will thank you for!